
On this page I would like to introduce artist and illustrations how are new or meaningful to me:

  • Wolf Erlbruch
Collage by Wolf Erlbruch
Wolf Erlbruch ist der grossartigste Illustrator den ich kenne ! Er lebt mit seiner Familie in Wuppertal und arbeitet dort als Professor.
  • Horace Pippin
Domino Players | Horace Pippin

  • Wayne Thiebeaud
Cakes | Wayne Thiebaud

  •  Jennifer Davis
edge | Jennifer Davis

  • Erika Olson Gross
Dream Quilt | Erika Olson Gross

  • Maria Kalman
 "His first thought on getting out of bed - if he had any thought at all - was to get back in again."
| Maria Kalman
Klar, dass ich ein Bild mit so einem Titel liebe! Es sprich mir sozusagen aus dem Herzen. Maria Kalman is an American Illustartor.

  • Jockum Nordström
Collage by Jockum Nordström
Jockum Nordström is a Swedish artist,  born in 1963

  • Jean-Michel Basquiat

Painting by Jean-Michel Basquiat
Basquiat was an African-American artist from Brooklyn, New York. This year he would be 50 years old.

Ex Tpo | Blu Blu