On this page I would like to introduce artist and illustrations how are new or meaningful to me:
Wolf Erlbruch ist der grossartigste Illustrator den ich kenne ! Er lebt mit seiner Familie in Wuppertal und arbeitet dort als Professor.
Klar, dass ich ein Bild mit so einem Titel liebe! Es sprich mir sozusagen aus dem Herzen. Maria Kalman is an American Illustartor.
Jockum Nordström is a Swedish artist, born in 1963
Basquiat was an African-American artist from Brooklyn, New York. This year he would be 50 years old.
- Wolf Erlbruch
Collage by Wolf Erlbruch |
- Horace Pippin
Domino Players | Horace Pippin |
- Wayne Thiebeaud
Cakes | Wayne Thiebaud |
- Jennifer Davis
edge | Jennifer Davis |
- Erika Olson Gross
Dream Quilt | Erika Olson Gross |
- Maria Kalman
"His first thought on getting out of bed - if he had any thought at all - was to get back in again." | Maria Kalman |
- Jockum Nordström
Collage by Jockum Nordström |
- Jean-Michel Basquiat
Painting by Jean-Michel Basquiat |
Ex Tpo | Blu Blu |