Wednesday, December 8, 2010

13. Week | Hand and Skull

On Tuesday, in Life Drawing I, we spoke about our shell homework assignment. For more information, have a look on the next blog post.

Hand drawing | Katharina Jourdan

Then Amy gave us a lecture about the bones of the hand and forearm. Afterward, we drew our hands in small groups to have a closer look at the hand instead everybody drawing from one model. Nicole and I switched every 30 minutes. Thus, both of us had the chance to study the hand twice in detail.

Both of Nicole's drawings are awesome. I struggled a lot with all of the plain changes and need to practice more.

skull sketch | Katharina Jourdan

On Tuesday, in Life Drawing I, we concentrated on the skull. As usual, Amy gave us a lecture on the board and then we started to draw from the skeletons. A skull is very complex. Thus, I was facing a lot of difficult decisions. My first two drawings didn't work well, but I can see an improvement in the last one. The most I struggled with was bringing out the cheekbones. The plain changes around the eye sockets were a real challenge.

skull sketch | Katharina Jourdan


  1. I like that you didn't just draw a skull as a big circle. You took the time to measure off of other things in the skull and got the shape of the skull successfully.

  2. i think you have a really strong start with the top of the hand and thumb area. The fingers got a little short but definitely a good start. Keep up the good work.

  3. really nice skull work, i like how you construct them.

  4. I think the proportions on the skulls were all very well done!

  5. You have a very expressive way of drawing that is really unique and interesting to look at. I love the weight of your line.
