Thursday, September 23, 2010

2. Week

This week we continued drawing a model. It is very helpful that we’re starting each lesson with fast gesture drawings, only concerned with the proportions and angles of the body.  By increasing the drawing time we were too focused on details hence it is easy to loose the view of the whole. I recognized a little improvement compared to last week, although there is a long way to go.

cross contour drawing | Katharina Jourdan

In our Life Drawing I class we will also work on a manikin. We are going to build the muscles from clay so we will gain a better understanding of the human body. On Thursday we started with the back.


  1. I agree. I am really enjoying the way the light cross contour lines fall across her arm closest to us. Your line throughout the drawing feels very natural and precise which was exactly the point of this exercise, Brava!
