Saturday, November 20, 2010

10. Week

This week, Tuesday's class was canceled. Therefore, I went to the Open Life Drawing Class at 7 p.m. and enjoyed the quiet working atmosphere with a few other students.

first ink experience | Katharina Jourdan
On Thursday, Amy started with a lecture on how to use the ink for our next seashell homework. She showed us through the example of an online assignment what we have to pay attention to if we are using ink (e.g. the upper parts become the lightest parts of the shell and the curved in parts will be the darkest ones). In a drawing using just charcoal or pencil, the darkest parts are close to the viewer and the lightest parts appear farther away. Afterward, we used ink for the very first time. At first we drew a general contour drawing with pencil for half an hour, then we started with ink.

It was a lot of fun to bring color into the drawing. Colors are always my favorite element to express something. Compared to pencil, ink has a momentum which works on its own.

Poster Offensive No.5 | Exhibition Furlong Gallery

After class, I went to the Furlong Gallery to join the opening of the Poster Offensive No. 5 exhibition. It is a great exhibition showing political poster designs! I recommend everybody at Stout to take the opportunity to see it. I had an interesting conversation with the curator Peet Fetsch how he did an exchange program for a year at my university (HAWK) in Hildesheim, Germany several years ago. For more information, have a look on their website:


  1. I like how you are working with the ink, your drawing seems to have a different feel then others that I have seen. In parts it seems to blend more gradually and able to pull out different areas that are closer and farther away.

  2. i like your ink work as well! the boldness and subtleties that you bring to your application is very nice. i think it will work great on a larger scale and with a few layer built up. keep up the good work

  3. Your inking is stylized, and I couldn't be happier. It looks like you're not afraid to make mistakes because mistakes lead to a new look and style, which is working really well with the shell drawing.

  4. Thanks for your comments!
    Usually I am very afraid of doing mistakes or failure with my artwork, but with ink you have to welcome the accident or fortune.
